Research Scientist


Joonseon Hwang

📃 cv
📷 @joon_seon_

B.S. in Aerospace Engineering, Sejong University(2020)
M.S. in Mechanical Engineering, POSTECH(2022)

Research Interests

– Design of fMRI-Compatible Haptic Interface
– Non-Magnetic Mechanism (Pneumatics, Piezo-Electronics)
– fMRI Based Neuroengineering



2014, 2016

Encouragement Prize (2 times), SejongKB Creative Sharing Volunteer Group, (Topics: Aerospace Engineering Knowledge Education for High School Students) in Sejong University, Seoul, Korea

Sep. 2017

1st prize, Academic Seminar of College of Engineering (Topics: Aerodynamic Solution for second-hand smoking) in Sejong University, Seoul, Korea

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